Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Trend Reversals in Markets

With Saturn opposing Uranus and Mars conjoining Uranus and opposing Saturn between 4th and 15th April, we have seen: the terrible earthquake in Italy, devastating fires in Oklahoma, tornadoes in the Midwest, the UK terrorist plot unveiled, trouble on the high seas...
This is still active for another couple of days.

Mars conjuncts with Uranus from 14th -16th April - which could indicate a sudden reversal in the markets.

On April 17th Venus goes direct. So it remains to be seen how many of the huge decisions taken by the G20 and the powers that be will actually be effective in the months to come....or whether there will be regret that other actions were not taken.

On April 22nd-24th Venus and Mars leave Pisces and enter Aries - this is a sign of changes in the markets and the currencies around the world.

Pluto is Retrograde until September 11th - this means it is important for you to take a close look at any debts you have. Sort out all your finances and any investments. Pluto rules debt and power - so make sure you have retained your power and not given it away. Try to get out of debt if at all possible and don't take on any new debt.

On May 3rd Venus is square to Pluto - which could mean a crisis of confidence with investors.
However, remember that Jupiter is still conjunct Neptune and this peaks on May 27th to July 10th. You will still be hearing "the bull market has started" "the depression is over" "the housing market has bottomed...." but pay no heed. Neptune also brings disillusionment, betrayal....by September this will set in and by December the grim reality will start to hit....

On a brighter note, Uranus opposing Saturn means that revolution and huge change is upon us. We can choose to hold onto the old, or move into the new - that which frees us, enhances our lives and is a better life for all of us on this planet.

Start by reducing your standard of living. Just buy what you need, not what you want and do something nice for a different person each day.

The more of us that do this, the more we can take back our power and start to create the kind of communities of caring and love that we all dream of.

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